The story revolves around a teenager who accidentally travels back in time to stop a serial killer. The one that immediately came to mind was Totally Killer, which will be released on Amazon in October 2023. The similarities sometimes border on plagiarism, and although Time Cut 2024 is not as entertaining as The Killer, it is still entertaining and fun to watch.
In 2003, a serial killer known as the Sweetly Killer had already murdered three teenagers. His fourth and final victim is Summer Field (Antonia Gentry).
21 years later, the Field family is still grieving. Teenage daughter Lucy (Madison Bailey) stumbles into a time machine and is transported back to 2003. Using her knowledge of the murders, including her sister’s, she teams up with physics nerd Quinn (Griffin Gluck) to stop the killer.
Hell no credibility
It’s a time travel movie, so we don’t have a ton of credibility right from the start. It’s funny how quickly Lucy accepts the situation. What’s even funnier is that Quinn easily goes along with it, but the movie has to be the movie.
I’ve never lost a child (or even found one). I found it puzzling that Fields’ parents are still mourning their daughter’s death after 20 years, especially to the detriment of a living child who needs them. The movie sets up a kind of story arc in which the parents recover (as with the McFly family), but it’s never mentioned.
Madison Bailey and Antonia Gentry are great in the lead roles. Both are faces of Netflix, and Bailey stars in Outer Banks. I haven’t seen it yet, but reading the synopsis makes it seem like something to check out. I knew of Gentry; he starred in Ginny & Georgia, which I watched and thoroughly enjoyed.
It features a masked killer with questionable motives, and like Totally Killer, it has enough gore to be a Halloween movie. The chemistry between Madison Bailey and Antonia Gentry was so good I was totally hooked. Due to the dynamics of the Field family, Lucy has never met her sister. That’s an interesting side to the story. Hopefully they’ll share the stage in future productions.
Am I old?
When I realized there are 21 years between 2003 and 2024, I realized how little I’d noticed the changes. There’s the usual weird scene where Summer criticizes Lucy’s “weird clothes,” but I couldn’t tell the difference. And then Quinn is sold on the time travel element when Lucy shows off her iPhone 15. Sure, he lives in a world with flip phones, but the first iPhone was only four years old, and he reacts to Lucy’s device as if she’d drawn the blueprints for the Death Star.
There are some funny lines about Facebook, MySpace, and of course the current political climate. “Arnold Schwarzenegger for president?” Quinn asks, meaning Schwarzenegger has just been elected Governor of California. “It’s going to get worse,” Lucy replies. It’s an interesting comparison that shows how much things have changed in recent years. The difference between 1955 and 1985, or 1987 and 2023 (as in Totally Killer), compared to 2003 and 2024 is staggering.
The ending is the ultimate “What can I say?” There are some important things that are addressed in the film Yada Yada, but at 91 minutes long it’s not too long to give the story a little breathing room. “Time Cut” is available on Flixtor Stream.