The animated film “Pinocchio 2022” was directed by Vasily Rovensky at the “Licensed Brands” studio, which at one time released such cartoons as: “Two Tails”, “The Princess and the Dragon” and “Full Immersion”. The script of this cartoon almost repeats the original content of the book, but in modern bright animation and with computer graphics techniques. So the new version should appeal to both the older and younger generations. Watch full movie Pinocchio Afdah online in 1080p HD.
The focus is on the old master carpenter Geppetto, who was able to see a future blank for a new toy in an ordinary log. But when he began to cut out the future boy, the log began to jump and tear from his hands. And finally, the master made a wooden doll and named him Pinocchio. The boy was bored going to school, and he didn’t want to earn money with the carpenter, so he ran away from the carpenter to see the world and eventually joined the traveling circus, which was led and owned by the insidious businessman Mojafoko.
He makes the talking doll Pinocchio the highlight of the circus program and gathers full halls of the public, which brings money. During the performance, his assistants the Cat and the Fox clean the houses of the townspeople who applaud at the performance. But Pinocchio has no idea about this, he falls head over heels in love with the young aerialist Bella, the adopted daughter of Mojafoko. But Pinocchio has no chance to achieve reciprocity, because he is a doll, not a man. The old clown Fantozzi advises Pinocchio to go to the sorceress Lucilda, who knows how to help him.