The story of Mike Lazaridis and his brilliant mind that led to the creation of the first smartphone in the world, the Blackberry, is told in Blackberry. In order to sell the phone, Jim Balsillie steps in and buys his way into the role of Co-CEO. Balsillie is determined to aim for the moon and nothing else, which may or may not be detrimental to the business as a whole. You are aware of what I mean, but I will not spoil the story for you. My favourite thing about watching this film however was the way that I didn’t know half of what went down, in actuality. This was an arresting and drawing example of school that I felt like I endured. If you are excited about a BlackBerry full movie you just go to the Myflixer site, where you can watch the full movie without any cost and subscription.
The dialogue in this film, which was adapted by Matthew Miller and Matt Johnso from the book, was excellent. I was stuck to the screen, in any event, when two characters were simply sitting in a room and talking. Although I don’t think the story is as good as in The Social Network, I do think this movie is just as good. The story of the dog-eat-dog world we live in is fascinating. Baruchel and Howerton give their best performances to date, selling these roles in addition to having excellent dialogue.
Blackberry is a film that I have very few or no complaints about, from the great direction, performances, and even the music choices to the editing style that really impressed me. I was slightly annoyed by the camera’s use of snap zooms, but that’s really all I can complain about. I likewise give it props for being a Canadian film, made by Canadians, featuring a few Canadian entertainers. I would likewise be neglectful on the off chance that I didn’t specify the way that while the story is exceptionally fascinating, it’s additionally amusing when it should be. I loved it even more because it almost became satire at times. It took the story seriously, but not the movie that was based on it, which was so successful. I’ll be raving about this one for a while, in case you were wondering. Blackberry, which is currently playing in theaters, is definitely worth a look.